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Meters | VOAC7413

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작성자 최고관리자 작성일18-03-14 22:00 조회696회 댓글0건



VOAC7413 - Iwatsu Digital Multimeters
Vdc High Range : 1.0kV
Digits : 4.5
Measurements : DCV, DCA, ACV, TRMS, TRMS, Temperature
More Details : Digital Multimeter, Portable 4,5


The VOAC7413 employ a new triple integrating A/D converter developed by IWATSU. This exclusive LSI chip and high-speed 8-bit CPU make possible a full-scale count of 40999 at a maximum sampling rate of 100 times/sec. The counter function using the special LSI ship also makes possible automatic setting of power frequency. Full-scale 40999, Max. sample rate 100 times/s, 4-1/2 digits DCV, ACV, Ohm, DCA, ACA, C (temperature), Hz True RMS ACV/ACA Power measurement up to 2500W AVG (Averaging)This function is very effective for measurements when there is a high variance. Averaging 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 times can be selected using the AVG button REL (Relative)The relative with respect to a reference value is indicated, and the deviation and external thermoelectromotive force in low-voltage measurements can be eliminated by single touch operations


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전화 : 070-4193-5541  |  팩스 : 02-2685-5541
이메일 : aid-tech@aid-tech.co.kr  |  주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 경인로53길 15, 가동 2212호 (구로동, 중앙유통단지)
대표 : 박성완  |  사업자등록번호 : 250-55-00298

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