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3314A > 중고계측기

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dot 제조사   Keysight/Agilent/HP
dot 품목명   Function Generator
dot 제품특징   HP / Agilent 3314A
20MHz Function Generator,
dot 옵션  
dot 제품가격   전화요망

HP / Agilent 3314A    20MHz Function Generator


The 3314A is a Function/Waveform Generator with the precision and versatility to produce numerous waveforms.  Its feature set includes accurate sine, square, and triangle waves, with ramps and pulses available using variable symmetry.  Additional features include counted bursts, gate, lin/log sweeps, AM, FM/VCO, dc offset, and phase lock.  For increased versatility, the Arbitrary waveform mode allows a countless number of user defined waveforms.  Since complete programmability is provided, all of these capabilities are available for ATE systems, as well as bench applications.


전화 : 070-4193-5541  |  팩스 : 02-2685-5541  |  이메일 : aid-tech@aid-tech.co.kr  |  주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 경인로53길 15, 가동 2415호 (구로동, 중앙유통단지)
대표 : 박성완  |  사업자등록번호 : 250-55-00298  |  개인정보관리책임자 : 박성완

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