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54620A > 중고계측기

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dot 제조사   Keysight/Agilent/HP
dot 품목명   Logic Analyzer
dot 제품특징   The Keysight 54620A logic analyzer looks, feels and runs like a scope because you told us to design it that way. You told us you liked the troubleshooting benefits of logic analysis but didn't have the time to learn a traditional logic analyzer (and relea
dot 옵션  
dot 제품가격   \1,500,000
Key Features & Specifications
  • 16 channel logic analyzer


NOTE: Suggested replacement product(s) may be found by selecting the Related Products link.

The Keysight 54620A logic analyzer looks, feels and runs like a scope because you told us to design it that way. You told us you liked the troubleshooting benefits of logic analysis but didn't have the time to learn a traditional logic analyzer (and relearn it every time you had to use it again). So we built the Keysight 54620A on a scope platform with a familiar front panel and a fast, responsive display. Now you can stop trying to troubleshoot complex digital circuits with your scope -- and you won't have to get a graduate degree in logic analysis.

  • 16 timing channels
  • Maximum sample rate: 500 MSa/s
  • 3.5 ns Glitch Capture
  • Autoscale instantly shows you all active signals, scaled for easy viewing
  • Triggering modes: edge, pattern and advanced (including duration times and sequences)
  • Trigger on all input lines and external trigger
  • Automated measurements of frequency, period, duty cycle, ± width, delay, and setup and hold time

전화 : 070-4193-5541  |  팩스 : 02-2685-5541  |  이메일 : aid-tech@aid-tech.co.kr  |  주소 : 서울특별시 구로구 경인로53길 15, 가동 2415호 (구로동, 중앙유통단지)
대표 : 박성완  |  사업자등록번호 : 250-55-00298  |  개인정보관리책임자 : 박성완

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